RGB Color

RGB Color

The RGB Color option determines how colors are rendered.

Select Default (sRGB) for most printing needs. This setting instructs the printer to interpret RGB color as sRGB, which is the accepted standard of Microsoft and the World Wide Web Organization.
Select AdobeRGB for documents that use the AdobeRGB color space rather than sRGB. For example, some digital cameras capture images in AdobeRGB, and documents that are produced with Adobe PhotoShop use the AdobeRGB color space. When printing from a professional software program that uses AdobeRGB, it is important that you turn off the color management in the software program and allow the printer software to manage the color space.
Photo Image interprets the RGB color as if it were printed as a photograph using a digital mini-lab. It is designed to render the deeper, more saturated colors differently than Default mode. Use this setting for printing photos.
Device sets the printer to print RGB data in raw device mode. To render photographs properly when this option is selected, you must manage color in the program in which you are working or in the operating system.
Vivid instructs the printer to increase the color saturation in the midtones. Less colorful objects are rendered more colorfully. This value is recommended for printing business graphics.
HP Color Laserjet 2605 RGB Color